>>240 Journal Delays Print Publication of Harvard Law Professor’s Controversial ‘Comfort Women’ Article Amid Outcry https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2021/2/14/comfort-women-paper-follow-up/#.YC-6wwmFQRs.twitter Samuel Clowes Huneke, a history professor at George Mason University, wrote to the editorial board of the journal demanding the article’s withdrawal, according to a tweet on Feb. 3. In an emailed statement to The Crimson, Huneke wrote that his letter went unacknowledged by the journal.
“By denying that these women were forced into sexual slavery, Prof. Ramseyer and the IRLE thus put themselves in the company of those who deny or whitewash other war crimes and crimes against humanity,” Huneke wrote.
Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics http://chwe.net/irle/letter/
Why Comfort Women Matter to the U.S.-Japan Values Summit by Tessa Morris Suzuki Mindy Kotler https://nationalinterest.org/blog/politics/why-comfort-women-matter-us-japan-values-summit-182552 A recent academic article by Harvard Law Professor Mark Ramseyer has helped to fuel Japan’s development of a revisionist narrative that depicts the Comfort Women as willing prostitutes. Astonishingly, this article presents all Japanese and Korean Comfort Women as contractual workers under Japan’s prostitution system, in which (Ramseyer suggests) children as young as ten-years-old knowingly and voluntarily negotiated prostitution contracts. Some Japanese ruling party politicians have enthusiastically promoted this version of history, while the Japanese Education Minister has publicly suggested that Ramseyer’s article is part of the process by which we “approach the truth” of history.