「2,3駅で降りる」のやつについて: ○ after a few stations ○ a few stations later ○ in a few stations ✕ a few stations ahead との事でした。 (すべて先の文脈の場合です)
で、ついでに I don't know whether English or a second language should be taught.. の例の英文も聞いたけど、 まぁこれは彼に教える義理もないんで詳しくは書かないけど、やはり「おかしい」という事で、結局全体の3分の1くらい訂正が入ってました..♪
Students studying abroad do their best to horn their English skills every day. No way you can be better at English if engaged with it only a few hours per week.
>>53 Those studying abroad cram every day to improve their English. It is for sure that English learners who have just several hours of study per week don't improve their language skills much.
I'm betting you guys aren't fluent. You all seem like college students or something who just learned English words and grammar rules (only in schools and never studied abroad).
I can basically tell who's English is good and who's English is bad when I read their sentences, so I always feel kind of weird that there are lots of people who can't do the same, such as スップguy.
When I was 18, a tabloid published a picture of me smoking. The freshman who sold the picture to the tabloid had never shown up to the school and dropped out after a while.
>>117 When I was 18, a picture of me smoking appeared in a magazine. The student who sent the picture to the publisher and received money was two years younger than I. He didn't show up to school since then and eventually left.
122名無しさん@英語勉強中 (W 6323-hAMI)2020/02/16(日) 19:13:01.11ID:XxJECD9Y0
When I was eighteen, a picture of me smoking a cigarette was published in a weekly magazine. Who leaked the picture was my two-year-younger team mate, but after it happened, he didn't show up to school again and ended up quitting.
>>117 The picture of me smoking in a pachinko shop had appeared on a weekly magazine at 18 years old since then the man who, two years my junior, sold out that image to the magazine never turned up for school and finally dropped the club.
When I was eighteen, my two-year-younger team mate sold a picture where I was smoking a cigarette to a weekly magazine. After it was published, somehow he stopped coming to school and then quit the school in the end.
I got the point later,these English texts are a lot of selling in series that's right ,once got a Big sale they sell many times those copying cuz it make a big money
>>154 I found out later that there are so many books published in this English textbook series. No wonder. As the first book sold well, they didn't have any reason to stop making one after another. It's low hanging fruit.
This English textbook has a lot of follow-on ones, which I didn't know of until later, though. A matter of course; once a book sells well they'll put out sequels to it endlessly to make easy money.
>>153 I noticed later that this English textbook is just only one among many books of a series. There is no surprise. The most lucrative way is, once a certain book is successful, to bring out similar books one after another.
There's not a single day we don't hear news of coronavirus. Few people goes outside without wearing a mask. I wonder if the event will be held as scheduled. I hope you are alright. Take care!
>>182>>183 1. I hope you won't betray your benefactor France the way Mike did the Chinese group. He betrayed and attacked the Chinese, which gave him a medal.
2. Why did you attack France even though you received a medal from them? I remember Mike attacked his benefactor in a similar situation. Aren't you ashamed of your actions? (或いは単純に Shame on you!)
フランス人へのメール Why did you give a medal to the Spanish guy? I know his friend betrayed the king of another country.
>>189 When we administered a drug to prostate cancer patients who had thin hair, we observed cases where some patients increased their hair volume. Finpecia was created through the analysis of the drug's chemical composition and through further research.
Some thin-haired prostate cancer patients were found to grow back their hair after administered a certain drug; the causal ingredients were then identified and further researched to develop a new drug called Finpecia.
I was at work when I gave a forceful shove to a heavy cart full of goods and crashed a window pane. I got told off by the boss, but breaking a sheet of glass means placing an order with some local vendor, benefiting the economy of our town, right?
>>195 While at work, I hit and broke window glass by shoving a cart with a lots of merchandises. My boss was furious at me, but I'd say I did something good for the economy by making my employer spend the money for the repair.
>>203 There was a mass infection at the music club. My friend told me she suspended going to a show there. So, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't buy the ticket from you anymore.
208名無しさん@英語勉強中 (CA 0H82-98X0)2020/03/01(日) 18:04:46.63ID:gxO7jIt6H
>>203 There was an incident of community infection in a live concert venue, and the friend of mine gave up to go the performance. So I don't need a ticket for her/him anymore from you. Sorry. But, I still plan to go there unless it's cancelled. I wish you good luck. 最後の行はともかく、その前の行はつながってるような
最後の行は曖昧だけど、以下のような意味なのかもと思った I hope you can find another person interested in buying it.
Several infections occurred where the show is to take place. I had planned to go there with a friend, but she quit. So I'm afraid I have to decline to buy the ticket you offered. I will go to the show alone if it is not cancelled, however. I hope you find someone who accepts your offer.
Why don't you decline the award if you think Jesse deserves it more than you? Accept it or don't show your damned hypocritical sympathy for him in the first place.
Why don't you decline the award if you think Jesse deserves it more than you? Shame on you for showing your hypocritical sympathy for him after accepting it.
>>219 It's boring to talk with a 21 years old blue color. They have had nothing to make any efforts on in their lives. All of them haven't had any club activities and had studied. Just doing a TV game in their house. It's disgustingly boring to talk with them. They are not sociable, and they only have narrow thinking. They are inferior in bring their idea into action. They don't have any understanding of politics and economy.
>>225 (相手の名前), We are sorry to inform you that our office hires only Japanese nationals. Panasonic, our affiliated office in Hiroshima, hires non-Japanese, so you are welcome to apply for the office.
>>219 It's boring to talk with you. You act like to be intelligent talking politics and economics. You brag your salary. You can't live without blue color people.But you look down those people. They hate a man like you.
The 21-year-old factory worker is not fun to talk to. The likes of him have little experience of doing something as best they can. They neither joined clubs nor studied hard at school, and now do nothing but play video games at home. You can absolutely not get excited to converse with them, as they are inward-looking, tunnel-visioned, inactive, and ignorant about politics and economics.
>>225 you should have known better than to try and enter into our society considering your ineptness I sincerely wish your kind will one day be wiped off the face of this planet
We hesitate to say but our group is only for Japanese. Nevertheless, ---- family (which is) located in Hiroshima prefecture enrols many members who aren't Japanese. So if you don't mind, why not becoming its member?
It's too late to figure out when you are 30years old. you might regret that you had not working hard when you were young Seeing the overwhelming difference between college graduates and other technicians, you might feel acutely your ineptness.
If you say so in front of american , Canadian and so on, I bet they'd tell you ”Whaaaaa?” cuz these are the society that people can start over again and again Well, the request is a request, so I'll translate that later
>>239 If you say it in front of American, Canadian, and so on, they would say "Why?" Since their country have generous system for people who fail in their life. Yet the request is certainly a request that I'll translate it later.
>>235 It's too late to notice after you became thirty. You will regret yourself who didn't make any effort during your youth. Seeing overwhelming differences between university graduates or skilful engineers, you will realise your inadequacy painfully.
>>239 If you say it in front of American, Canadian, and so on, they would say "Why on earth?" Since their countries have generous social system for people who failed in their life. Yet the request is certainly a request that I'll translate it later.
>>235 It's too late when you realize it at the age of 30. You'd regret you have wasted the days of your youth. Seeing how far behind you are from college graduates or other engineers, you feel you are useless.
>>258 The SD card for Raspberry Pi has been damaged and the licensed software has been deleted. Is it possible to transfer the license to new environment?
>>258 My SD card in my Raspberry Pi was corrupted and a copy of the software with a valid license was lost. Is there any way to transfer the license to a new environment?
Thirty is too old to wake up and start afresh. Live so that you don't regret being lazy when young, and so that you don't find yourself left way behind the grads and engineers around you and painfully realize how you are worthless.
>>258 The SD card in my Rasberry Pi got damaged, and I lost licensed softwares stored on the card. Is it possible to transfer the licenses to another card?
>>258 The SD card of Rasberry Pi got damaged, Then licensed software inside the card was lost. Is it impossible to transfer the licenses to another card?
He always acts only considering his convenience. If our executives misconstrue him like active, go-to guy and promote him, I'll storm into the office and make it retracted with with all I've got.
>>268 What he does is always for his own good, but somehow this attitude makes the management think he is a positive, leader-type person. If this leads to his promotion, I will go directly talk to the company's executives and try my best to stop it.
Don't get fooled; he does something only if it does him good. If the higher-ups take him to be an energetic worker with leadership worthy of a pay raise, I will storm into the corner office and pull no punches to correct them!
>>268 アイツはいつも自分の都合の良い様に行動してるだけだ。 He always acts for his own good.
そんな奴を行動力がある、リーダーシップがある、なんて勘違いして 上の役員がアイツを昇給させようとするなら、 If management is misled into thinking he's a good leader who knows what he's doing and wants to give him a pay raise,
俺は事務所に怒鳴り込んで全力でそれを阻止してやる! I'm going to give them hell and do everything in my power to stop them from all that.
When I was eighteen, my two-year-younger team mate sold a picture where I was smoking a cigarette to a weekly magazine. After it was published, somehow he stopped coming to school and then quit the school in the end. つづく
>>302 やり直し In these days, when I speak to someone, my saliva is prone to be a puddle on the corners of my mouth, and everyone can see it. Good heavens! Can you help me?
>>315-316 I hesitate to ask you but how the circumstance of the coronavirus is like in Japan? We're conveyed we're forbidden every activities even travel. As I'm not sure whether or not it's good, there is no regulation of going out at the moment. Yet I think the lockdown is approaching... / is about to enforce...
There is no restriction on our daily life at all, though I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. But, they are obviously talking about the possibility of lockdown in coming days.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中 (IL 0H23-QTio)2020/04/03(金) 14:36:42.12ID:Fefc8BVpH
>>334 It was regrettable that she made me waste my money and time by misinforming me of how to process A without the consultation with her colleagues or supervisors while she was not certain about her advice.
She was not confident about the procedure for A. without asking her colleagues or her boss, based solely on one's own assumptions She gave me the wrong information and made me spend unnecessary money and time. I am very sorry about this. がmiraiの答え
彼女は、Aに関する手続きの方法に自信がないにも関わらず、 Although she wasn't confident about what to do about A,
同僚や上司に確認をすることもなく彼女自身の思い込みだけで私に誤った情報を与え、 she gave me the wrong information based merely on her assumptions without making the necessary confirmations with her colleagues or superiors.
不要なお金と時間を使わせたことをとても残念に思う。 All that made me waste my money and time. I regret that very much.
339名無しさん@英語勉強中 (IL 0H23-QTio)2020/04/03(金) 16:13:38.51ID:kZHNOiFrH
>>335 思い込みだけでってのを忘れてた It was regrettable that she made me waste my money and time by misinforming me of how to process A based on her unfounded belief without the consultation with her colleagues or supervisors, while she was not certain about her advice.
340名無しさん@英語勉強中 (IL 0H23-QTio)2020/04/03(金) 16:14:06.05ID:kZHNOiFrH
>>334 She had no confidence in how to proceed regarding A, and based solely on her own assumptions, without checking with her colleagues and supervisors, she gave me the wrong information and made me spend unnecessary money and time. I am very sorry to hear this.
She gave me the wrong information only in her own mind, without checking with her colleagues and supervisors, despite her lack of confidence in how to proceed regarding the settlement. I'm so sorry that I had to spend unnecessary money and time on this.
It is very disappointing that she, not sure about the procedure for A, gave me misinformation about it based on her mere wrong assumption without consulting with her colleagues or superiors, thereby making me waste time and money.
>>312 Dried snots are made of dusts inside the nose.
>>338 She regrets that she misinformed me getting it wrong and wasted my money and time unnecessarily without confirming her co-workers and boss(es) as she wasn't sure of the process of A.
>>371 コロナの死者数が多い国の人が、日本はもっと検査するべきたと言ってるのは笑える It's laughable to see people from countries with high death tolls from covid-19 saying Japan should test more people.
374名無しさん@英語勉強中 (IL 0Hd2-WcP7)2020/04/12(日) 17:04:43.33ID:fP02RJesH
>>371 It's funny that people from the country with more corona deaths tell us to do more tests. あんまり賛同しないけど
>>430 Apologies to those who have recently submitted requests to join our group
We sincerely apologize for the delay in approving your requests due to our slow work. We will try not to cause such delay again, and we ask for your tolerance. We are looking very forward to seeing your posts.
Our apologies to those who recently have applied for admission in our group
We are terribly sorry for the long delay in approving the applications due to our moderators' negligence. We promise we will never repeat the same failure so please accept our sincere apology. We hope in earnest that you would feel free to actively make posts and comments here.
>>430 On behalf of all the managers, I'd like to express our deeply apologize for causing the inconvenience. Please forgive us this time, We will make sure it won't happen again. So please feel free to contact us sincerely.
>>430 Our apologies to everyone who have recently applied for joining requests in our group. We apologise from the bottom of our hearts about the delay of endorsements for your requests due to our administrators' mistake. We're of the opinion that we promise we never repeat the same failure. So please give us your sincere pardons. Then, we look forward to your post truly.
>>451 It has been said for quite some time, and suppressed each time by CCP. Is it likely for a country like China, which put its own benefits ahead of anything to issue a ban on foreign travel out of concern for the others, to whom it has never given a damn from the very beginning? Isn't it more plausible to think the whole idea is their trying to cover up biological weapons in the name of preventing the spread of infection?
>>451 Although it has been referred for years, China has covered it up in each case. To begin with they have its own idea such as "I do n’t care what happens to other people" I wonder they Issue an overseas travel ban willingly I would say under a name of preventing the spread of infection they would have been coverin up biological weapon
>>457 I make it a rule to set the budget for weekend horse racing at 10,000 yen. If I lose, I don't gamble the following week or endure jacking off for a week.
>>467 Someone brought Exotic species to japan and sailed them as pets. As a result of Leaving them in the mountains because of unable to keep them, The aliens extincted rare animals of Japan.
>>470 I hope you will have the chance to celebrate your anniversary more vibrantly next year, making up for this year's as well! I also hope you can believe the current bearing will lead everyone to a bright future.
>>473 Even if it had been for a short while, I learned a lot about work and much more from Andrew. I also respected him as a person. I wish I could work with him for a longer period, but I wish him all the best for his future endeavors.
Andrew はその人の名前に変えて下さい。 その方が女性の場合はhim をher に変えてください
>>473 It was a short time but I learned a lot of things not only working but also other than working from A As a parson ,there were many things I wanted to learn from you I wanna job with you more, if I can. But I would like to congratulate your new start sincerely.
You've been around for a short time, but I've learned a lot from you, both professionally and otherwise. You've inspired me to follow your example as a person.
I would have loved to have you longer at work but I know you have to go. I wish you a great start for even further success.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中 (IL 0H4e-1vdc)2020/04/28(火) 14:37:10.51ID:3tVLMngEH
>>461 Thoroughbreds are traded at auctions. The most expensive transaction for a horse in history was 500 million yen, where two horse owners, Kondo and Satomi, bid against each other. Seeing Kondo's unwillingness to back down, Satomi gave up in the end.
>>461 It is a auction system sailing Thoroughbreds. A horse fetched by an auction was more than 500 million yen it became the highest transaction in the horse race world so far. in the end there became a head to head race between kondo and satomi but satomi gave up the race seeing kondo who intended to never pull it down at all.
>>461 Thoroughbreds are traded by auction. The highest-bid horse in history sold for 500 million yen. It had ended up in a battle between Kondo and Satomi. Seeing Kondo totally unwilling to retreat, Satomi had given up.
>>483 訂正する。 >>461 Thoroughbreds are traded by auction. The highest bid for a horse in history was at 500 million yen. It had ended up in a battle between Kondo and Satomi. Seeing Kondo totally unwilling to retreat, Satomi had given up.
Thoroughbreds are sold by auction. The highest price ever bid for a racehorce was five hundred million yen. It was hammered after Satomi, one of the last two remaining bidders, gave way to Kondo, who was apparently willing to go further.
Although we're having tough days because of COVID-19, I'm sure there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon. Please take care of yourself. I'm looking foward to arriving my order.
I can't wait for my order to arrive. By the way, due to the coronavirus outbreak, China and Japan alike are having a hard time. But I firmly believe we can survive and overcome this. Take care!
I paid via epay a week ago but my account status has not changed from Pending Payment. I received a confirmation email last time when I ordered a few years ago, so I am contacting you to ask a confirmation. I also attach a capture of the payment screen. I think it's a tough time because of coronavirus, but thank you in advance for your help.
Hello. I paid for my order through ePay a week ago, but the status on my account remains shown as Pending Payment. Why? I'm asking this because when I ordered you a few years ago you assured me of the safety of the transaction, but not this time. Please find attached a screenshot of my payment status. I understand you might be having a hard time coping with the virus pandemic. I hope to hear from you soon.
Could you please confirm my payment that I made through epay a week ago? The payment screen image is attached for the details. My account screen still shows the status as "Pending" and I have not received your confirmation yet. Thank you for your immediate attention.
In a certain country, when the government identifies and locates those who it finds are so annoying to itself or people in power as to be listed as targets of assassination, it arrests them in secrecy and feeds them to a bunch of hyenas made hungry. The animals devour their bones as well as flesh, leaving no evidence.
>>497 In a country, when those in power find a person who is inconvenient to them so much so as to make them wish to assassinate him, they secretly abduct and throw him into a herd of a few starving hyenas. As hyenas can even eat bones, no evidence will be left.
>>506 I think Japanese people judge whether a person is Japanese or not based on his or her lineage and appearance rather than nationality, for better or worse.
Hello. I'm X with order number 1616. I received and read your reply. If lockdown is lifted on May 16 as you say, I would appreciate you sending my order soon after that. Thank you.
In summer customers increase who complain that their mobile phone has broken down due to soaking in water, but that's just because they swam in the sea with it, if you ask me.
Hi. I searched my place and dug out these two albums. Neither is the one you asked for, however. Have you got them yet?
This one isn't what you requested either, but includes the opening and ending songs of X. Sorry it's not a soundtrack album. Let me know if you'd like me to bring it along.
>>543 I don't want to take things lightly when I teach others. I don't want to take things lightly when I teach English to others. I don't want to take things lightly if I become a teacher.
>>543 I don't want to underestimate teaching something to others. I don't want to take lightly teaching English. I don't want to underestimate becoming English mentor and teaching.
Hyenas are prone to bite off the bellies of their preys, and also stick their face into them and eat the flesh , visceral organs , and so on. So its blood is scattered on their face. That being said, perhaps they don't mind it at all.
Hyenas bite open their prey's abdomen and eat its organs and flesh putting their heads into its body. So their faces get covered in blood as much as the victim, but that doesn't seem to matter to them.
What a nuisance to all humanity it is that you're burning down the Amazon rainforest just to save your petty life and livelihood― enough of insulting Greta!
By regularly dropping into different departments, they have made a wide circle of friends across the company, with whom they seem to go out for a drink very often.
This left-side lane is only for turning left. Not all drivers know that, however, so there're sometimes cars swerving into the right-side lane almost too late.
As for album X, all tracks are readable except for tracks 11 and 12 perhaps due to scratches. Incidentally, I happen to have album Y, which luckily includes these two tracks. If you would prefer, I would send you both albums instead of just one. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.
>>582 Most of this rough messy factory's workers are immature,boorish, and violent. It ascribes this fact I must work with them together to current my position.
>>582 Most workers of such shabby, desolated factories are rough, childish, and violent. The fact that I have no choice other than to work among these knuckleheads tells a lot about where I stand now.
Coexistence with machines and a change in work in the 2030s
With automation, there will be fewer jobs in all industries except construction. New jobs that do not require physical labor will increase to replace them.
A three-day weekend becomes a norm, but it will require a system for learning new skills where one of three days will be spent in vocational training or at a university at the expense of the company or the government.
In the age of 100 years of life, people will work slightly fewer hours per week as a whole, but will work until they are much older.
There will be a decrease in jobs across all industries but construction as automation advances, while new kinds of jobs free from physical labor will increase in their place.
A four-day work week will be the norm along with a program in which workers spend at least one day per week learning new skills at job training centers or colleges at the expense of the government and companies.
With life expectancy approaching 100, people will work a bit less hours per week but remain in the workforce until a rather older age.
>>604 I visited the ramen restaurant where Yamada-san worked, but the noodles easily broke off every time I grasped them with chopsticks.
What are you talking about? That can't happen! I suppose a trainee boiled the noodles for the first time, overboiled them, and served them to you by accident.
The other day I ate at the ramen shop Yamada recommended, but my noodles were too fragile to pick up with chopsticks.
Really? No kidding? I guess your ramen was that soft because it happened to be prepared by an apprentice who, having never cooked noodles for customers until then, boiled them too long.
>>611-612 ありがとうございます 戦隊ものってどう表現すると向こうの方に伝わりますか? >>I'd appreciate it if you'd tell what is on your list of Super Sentai CDs. 相手が何のCD持っているか教えて欲しいと尋ねてる部分ですか?
A. >>604 をdeeplにかけた結果が I went to the ramen shop Mr. Yamada recommended, but every time I held the noodles with chopsticks, they were torn to pieces.
Huh? No, of course not! I'm sure the apprentice scratched his noodles in hot water for the first time and the blistered noodles from the time mistake happened to come to you.
それに対して、 B. >>610 をdeeplにかけた結果は 先日、山田さんお勧めのラーメン屋さんで食べました。 しかし、私の麺は箸でつまむには脆すぎた。
>>618 Thanks. Of course the perp who snitched the bag is the one to be accused, but she should take a fair share of the blame by leaving the bag in the bike basket with her purse and smartphone in it.
>>650 I'm still new to the daily task, and I'm willing to go on with it for a while until the task becomes a routine, being thankful to my mother for suggesting it to me.
>>650 It's been a short while since I started this routine, but having the lessons from my mother in my mind, I will keep this routine up a bit longer until it becomes a habit.
Though only recently have I started to do this as a part of my routine, I think I owe it to my mother, who advised me to do it, to do my best at least for some period of time to make it stick.
It's only recently that I had begun doing daily routine that my mother had advised. As a token of appreciation, I will stick to it until I form a habit of doing it.
Not only a culprit who stole the bag is one to blame but also the woman who had left it unattended in the bicycle basket. It contained her wallet and smartphone.
I'm regretful. Be that as it may, I think it's my own problem for which I'm also regretful and which I must resolve myself that I don't look regretful while I'm saying I'm regretful.
>>693 if you do not want to become a worthless dumbass old-timer before rotting your brain in old age you should learn herder or brushing your skills or something
I bet Lucky Lilac will win this race. She will stay in the pack at first before accelerating down the home stretch and overtaking the others ahead of her.
In all likelihood, Lucky Lilac will fetch the race they are going to stay down pace early on and they go on to accelerate at straight and defeat the others completely
>>697 It appears probably Lucky Lilac would win this race.
During the race, she will stay in the middle of the?bunch of the horses, and then she will?pull away from the other horses accelerating?sharply?at the?home stretch.
>>697 It appears probably Lucky Lilac would win this race. During the race, she will stay in the middle of the bunch of the horses, and then she will pull away from the other horses accelerating sharply at the home stretch.
>>703 Oh fuck! I forgot to buy A on the Sale. yet I cant't figure it out wether it was bargain or not actually
>>709 It was Redeoro who saved me three years ago from a tough situation thatI god both my body and mind messed up and was even struggling to make ends meet cuz I had no money at all
>>715 I feel more relaxed by living in a way putting weight on my senses rather than the so-called street smartness or such sociability. Still, society demands sociability, and it becomes awkward if I don't take social actions that others may consider useful. I suppose such human relationships won't change until the end of the 21st century.
>>716 Nations, as huge fortresses, form military forces. It sounds sarcastic when we are supposedly living in an age that values feelings. Nations shouldn't have puppet governments, and they need the military forces to protect themselves. Nations, like life forms, need immune systems to stay healthy.
「有名な映画の邦題のせいで "North by Northwest" の意味を『北北西』だと思っている日本人がいるようですが、実は、それは『北北西』の表現として標準的とは言えず、『ノースウェスト機で北方へ』の意義であることは容易に想像がつくと思います。事実、クレジットでおわかりのとおり、ノースウェスト航空は、スポンサの一となっています」
「『自粛(あるいはマスク)警察』同様に『ウィルス・菌警察』もいますが、確かに菌は生物、ウィルスは『化合物の混合物』で、一個体のサイズも体積比で百万倍もの違いがあり、菌との混同はいかがなものかと思うものの、『ばい菌』はよいのではないでしょうか。なぜなら『ばい菌』は幼児に対して『ばっちいもの』の意味だからです。事実、米国でも幼児に対して『ばっちいもの』の意味で "a germ"(むいむい(虫))を使います。虫に限らずです」
Due to famous japanese film there are some japanese people define "North by Northwest" as "north-northwest" Yet,you can't call it as standard expression actually I dare say you can tell easily that means"Northwest fleet to the north "
The Japanese title given to the famous movie North by Northwest misleads some Japanese people into thinking that it means the same as north-northwest, but if you know that it is hardly used as a point of the compass, you'll easily see that it implies "flying north by Northwest airlines," as proved by the fact that the company is credited in the film as a sponsor.
Besides pro-staying-home (or pro-mask) vigilantes, there're also bacterium/virus vigilantes. Given that bacteria are genuine living things while viruses are mere composites of organic compounds and a million times as small in volume, you shouldn't confuse them, but I think you can use the word germs to refer to viruses, as infants (as with those in the US) use it to mean something unhygienic including bugs.
As long as we live in it like microbes living in the body, we need to coexist with each other so as to avoid a dog eat dog world. We can only live according to our nature to the extent that we don't tear up the fabric of binding ties.
Humans, as a life form, have to strive for self-preservation nonstop, because, as the free energy principle has it, it is necessary for living things to always minimize the difference between internal and external entropy. However, in the new age of spiritualism that is to come when we transcend the desire to preserve and sustain our own lives, we will be no longer the same creatures that have been raised on this planet Earth.
Emotions are products of the brain. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were afraid of inevitable death following alienation. Since then humans as social animals have developed theory of mind and various emotions, including kindness, gratitude, sympathy, compassion, and love. Even these seemingly higher-level emotions are also part of the evolved human instincts.
When we cease to be living things, we might turn into something dry, machine-like, cruel, and cold-blooded by our present standards, as the result of our sense of values instinctively hardwired getting abandoned as meaningless.