◎正当な理由による書き込みの削除について:      生島英之とみられる方へ:

元気爆発ガンバルガー [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net ->画像>1枚

動画、画像抽出 || この掲示板へ 類似スレ 掲示板一覧 人気スレ 動画人気順

このスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/handygame/1460178923/
ヒント:5chスレのurlに http://xxxx.5chb.net/xxxx のようにbを入れるだけでここでスレ保存、閲覧できます。

2016/04/09(土) 14:15:23.44ID:JKtuRHvl0
2016/04/09(土) 14:17:17.63ID:JKtuRHvl0
2016/04/09(土) 14:18:48.79ID:JKtuRHvl0
その割りにエンディングでは「ながかった たたかいもこれでおわりだ」と言っています。
2016/04/09(土) 15:53:57.82ID:iXNnvwsA0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/09(土) 20:43:08.43ID:JKtuRHvl0
2016/04/09(土) 20:43:42.97ID:JKtuRHvl0
2016/04/09(土) 20:45:01.77ID:JKtuRHvl0
2016/04/09(土) 23:31:31.67ID:BI5ghbtk0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/10(日) 11:26:32.01ID:Hxvmtz5t0
2016/04/10(日) 11:39:25.63ID:Hxvmtz5t0
2016/04/10(日) 11:40:01.60ID:Hxvmtz5t0
2016/04/10(日) 15:36:16.78ID:JnT+w4Rc0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

13ギンコ ◆BonGinkoCc @無断転載は禁止
2016/04/11(月) 06:30:32.25ID:JrE2uRAg0




2016/04/11(月) 14:58:06.64ID:TF0WWyes0
2016/04/11(月) 18:32:09.47ID:sV6vyLl40

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/12(火) 08:51:45.66ID:oow64iqk0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/12(火) 14:56:27.44ID:gd1gzd0K0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/13(水) 07:46:52.96ID:+rreCeLo0
2016/04/13(水) 09:03:04.39ID:NoBqHxKe0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/13(水) 09:41:43.30ID:t7OMcvVc0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/14(木) 11:18:59.98ID:M+Ar5spE0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/
2016/04/14(木) 16:42:52.18ID:WgypMgu20

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/15(金) 14:52:56.62ID:5I6ppIDi0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/15(金) 18:19:10.47ID:XNCcjzNV0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/16(土) 22:10:13.89ID:xPyBIad50
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/17(日) 00:16:17.57ID:GEHVV/Oo0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/17(日) 12:16:28.60ID:rT+yvOFX0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/17(日) 17:06:52.20ID:5ZHOtAOb0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/18(月) 10:47:36.76ID:zlWNOMIh0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/18(月) 12:29:46.15ID:YQOHZKCz0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/19(火) 11:07:21.85ID:jgTB6BbB0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/19(火) 14:20:31.88ID:ZTQPa3lq0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/20(水) 10:37:28.14ID:oi8P+2Lh0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/20(水) 12:32:48.39ID:SVTAWIHq0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/21(木) 08:03:14.16ID:JAgDvyLy0
2016/04/21(木) 10:18:06.17ID:RM3Vt6py0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/21(木) 18:03:25.76ID:h6tHFsVs0
2016/04/23(土) 15:26:05.97ID:k96X/kSV0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/23(土) 16:37:33.45ID:TAimGSDT0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/24(日) 14:02:56.29ID:YFipgweN0
2016/04/24(日) 17:52:32.25ID:mBswKDBY0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/25(月) 09:18:47.73ID:rUJN6UN30
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/25(月) 09:33:45.76ID:vATbnJEM0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/26(火) 11:10:01.88ID:cEyL5vwh0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/04/26(火) 14:59:55.86ID:51+xA2bh0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/27(水) 16:29:31.79ID:qRhrPsUi0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/04/27(水) 17:36:49.85ID:+9PE4nnp0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/04/29(金) 14:47:30.21ID:7r/uHOLC0
2016/04/29(金) 17:16:28.88ID:uZaa5+yA0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/02(月) 09:14:55.98ID:v0FXAu9k0
2016/05/02(月) 09:19:47.58ID:fsixtp7t0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/03(火) 16:37:12.34ID:tbnUUW9q0



2016/05/04(水) 11:46:02.89ID:iNMBUlCG0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::/
2016/05/04(水) 11:58:26.58ID:G2QJimEv0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/09(月) 10:24:11.16ID:NFI/FIdJ0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/05/09(月) 16:43:21.44ID:eQK2OjLC0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/12(木) 12:40:39.18ID:l2ab+na+0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/05/12(木) 14:24:56.29ID:YaYgBA1a0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/14(土) 02:49:51.29ID:DCeMq18t0
2016/05/14(土) 02:51:40.36ID:6BvxxskI0
2016/05/14(土) 07:29:52.52ID:OLcDJwbi0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/14(土) 22:32:45.17ID:B3WXDIMo0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/05/15(日) 01:11:43.79ID:FvYRxLYJ0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/15(日) 09:49:24.97ID:HFrcmU/M0
2016/05/15(日) 12:37:46.64ID:FYzQokbm0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/17(火) 23:54:35.91ID:aShxDK0i0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/
2016/05/18(水) 00:12:22.28ID:QEUUTqne0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/20(金) 10:17:56.03ID:+dQ6zRsM0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::i
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
2016/05/20(金) 11:39:21.20ID:pKt8L8lj0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/05/28(土) 13:48:59.84ID:2hzPpXVy0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/05/28(土) 16:40:44.38ID:EbGqJ8CR0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/02(木) 17:32:08.81ID:kppk14pd0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/06/02(木) 17:44:27.35ID:DnvjRt7v0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/02(木) 23:13:27.05ID:T1h1RvK5O
2016/06/03(金) 01:46:04.72ID:TEFb06h10

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/05(日) 12:11:21.71ID:eKrQZe8e0
2016/06/05(日) 12:30:29.64ID:Rgbvv0Gp0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/13(月) 19:59:31.78ID:OOGfuURZ0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::/
2016/06/13(月) 20:17:08.51ID:YYeP+0WS0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/16(木) 17:44:21.88ID:2REtPvbK0
2016/06/16(木) 18:10:55.67ID:tE7G5NcS0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/19(日) 15:55:41.65ID:kMZ1vBXN0
2016/06/19(日) 17:47:18.95ID:rUuhOJLZ0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/20(月) 16:14:53.86ID:t0jXksSE0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/06/20(月) 17:28:48.97ID:WMcy4fNT0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/24(金) 16:26:46.41ID:MwkQ4UGo0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/24(金) 16:27:04.27ID:GlN4eP390
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
2016/06/24(金) 16:39:22.24ID:xd6wKl6W0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/06/25(土) 18:02:17.29ID:OKSr0BB40
2016/06/29(水) 23:20:18.88ID:UzstNVIw0
2016/06/30(木) 02:21:52.82ID:B5CJFVNB0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/07/09(土) 14:15:56.78ID:dakIn5ub0
2016/07/10(日) 00:25:49.14ID:mAxaCdZc0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/07/13(水) 14:49:12.78ID:QhpN4j1j0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::/
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
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2016/07/13(水) 15:19:20.77ID:V9Ev15570

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

2016/07/13(水) 16:36:36.49ID:BcmS3Qnu0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy directargettor of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviesecondwed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
2016/07/16(土) 13:06:41.68ID:WV879wF10
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:06:58.51ID:WV879wF10
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete reborn
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:07:13.93ID:WV879wF10
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete horror
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:07:39.36ID:WV879wF10
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG DOWN
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:08:36.82ID:9rW7fyOJ0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:09:32.55ID:9+kPN+Km0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:10:26.17ID:9+kPN+Km0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending theworld commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:10:43.40ID:9+kPN+Km0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mosystemstly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:11:01.29ID:9+kPN+Km0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” reborn

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/16(土) 13:11:20.52ID:9+kPN+Km0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” hold

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:31:33.14ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:32:46.67ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:33:03.83ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionallytarget beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:33:26.93ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast wholdere interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:33:41.61ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was intervieholdwed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:33:57.12ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the mjiinen in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:34:15.33ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionallyhold beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:34:29.96ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful informationhorror. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:34:46.37ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG HAARP
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/17(日) 11:35:07.36ID:xU0oRSyC0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by HAARPHAVEKCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
2016/07/18(月) 10:28:26.58ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:28:41.53ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete ice cream
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:29:01.35ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete heavy user
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:29:24.53ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete blood
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:29:57.61ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete The Guardian
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:30:14.68ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete anonymous
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:30:51.08ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete summer time
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:31:24.68ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete deletemostdivel
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:32:05.65ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/18(月) 10:33:22.13ID:tR4Lnww80
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete killzone mercenary
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:16:59.48ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:17:26.86ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): omikuji
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:17:45.24ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): mountain
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:18:10.74ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): worldmercen
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:18:34.92ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): JANEIRO
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:19:03.47ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): towermostdiv
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:19:24.68ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): mercenary
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:19:53.23ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): towermost
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:20:20.71ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): worldmercen
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/19(火) 12:20:54.67ID:Uabkm2od0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): denkiyourrich
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:40:06.81ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): responsesorry
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:40:31.11ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): mercenary
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:41:04.59ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): JANEIRO
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:41:29.80ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): towermostdiv
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:41:57.19ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): afterlifewond
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:42:33.42ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): horrorreject
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:43:08.78ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): unknownjack
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:43:37.16ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): peoplemost
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:44:00.34ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): mercenary
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/20(水) 11:44:26.92ID:dBcczj/s0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): JANEIRO
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 10:42:37.45ID:c7ezvG610
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 10:59:23.10ID:26QYpyhv0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): learning
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:15:48.25ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:16:05.97ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:16:46.24ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:17:01.78ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:17:22.52ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): nervous
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:17:40.87ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): fried potatoes
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:18:10.87ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): trump White
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/07/21(木) 11:18:57.96ID:T9U6z9ba0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): curtain callice
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:40:15.09ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:40:37.87ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:40:58.18ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): barbecueice
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:41:23.47ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:41:46.63ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:42:25.01ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): The Guardian
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:42:44.39ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): The Guardian
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:43:07.21ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): The Guardian
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:43:26.53ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:43:46.13ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:44:02.27ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary
2016/08/13(土) 13:44:24.42ID:6Yd4X70f0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil horror response delete missre freedom most
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go horror
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????): country club
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete life onry Killzone Mercenary lete curtain call countdown
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” Killzone Mercenary The Guardian Ballon d'or unknown

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING Killzone Mercenary


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雑談 粉塵爆発
太陽が爆発したら どうなるの?
今日も元気にエア出勤! part1
13:33:05 up 20 days, 14:36, 1 user, load average: 10.81, 9.51, 8.92

in 1.673896074295 sec @1.673896074295@0b7 on 020303