https://www.timeshighereducation.com/rankings/japan-university/2021#!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/scores_outcomes/sort_order/asc/cols/scores (メソドロジー)
This pillar looks at the overall academic reputation (8%) of the university in Japan, based on votes from Japanese scholars in THE’s annual Academic Reputation Survey of leading academics worldwide, which helps us to determine which institutions have the best reputation for excellence in teaching. We also consider the reputation of the university among employers (8%) to get a sense of whether the university produces graduates the market wants. This is based on a survey of human resources departments from 815 listed and non-listed companies. Each department was asked to identify the 10 best universities based on the strengths of their employees from those institutions. Each department then completed a survey for each of the 10 universities that it identified, rating the employees from these institutions in several areas.
●世界大学ランキング日本版2021 卒業生評判+学術的評判ランキング
Rank Name Country/Region Outcomes
1 Kyoto University Kyoto 98.8京
2 Tohoku University Miyagi 98.4東北
3 Kyushu University Fukuoka 98.1九
4 Hokkaido University Hokkaido 97.8北
5 Nagoya University Aichi 97.6名
6 Osaka University Osaka 97.4阪
7 Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo 95.9東工
8 The University of Tokyo Tokyo 95.1東
9 University of Tsukuba Ibaraki 94.8筑
10 Waseda University Tokyo 94.0早
11 Keio University Tokyo 93.4慶
12 Hiroshima University Hiroshima 80.0広島
13 Kobe University Hyogo 78.7神戸
14 Hitotsubashi University Tokyo 76.4一橋
15 Tokyo University of Science Tokyo 65.2東京理科
16 Yokohama National University Kanagawa 61.9横国
17 Chiba University Chiba 59.8千葉
18 International Christian University Tokyo 56.6ICU
19 Ritsumeikan University Kyoto 56.1立命館
20 Osaka Prefecture University Osaka 55.1大阪府立
21 Sophia University Tokyo 53.8上智
22 Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo 53.5都立
23 Okayama University Okayama 51.8岡山
24 Meiji University Tokyo 51.3明治
25 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Tokyo 51.2農工
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