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長谷川亮太のPCの壁紙がエロゲで草 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net ->画像>1枚
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This is harassing someone else
Thanks. We've received your report. If we find this content to be in violation of our Community Guidelines, we will remove it.
Location accuracy and nearby services are improved when Bluetooth is turned on.
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There are no raids nearby.
A spray-type medicine that restores the HP of one Pokemon by 20 points.
A spray-type medicine that completely restores all HP of a single Pokemon.
A medicine that can revive fainted Pokemon. It also restores half of a fainted Pokemon's maximum HP.
A medicine that can revive fainted Pokemon. It also fully restores a fainted Pokemon's maximum HP.
A Lucky Egg that's filled with happiness! Earns double XP for 30 minutes.
A device for catching wild Pokemon. It's thrown like a ball. comfortably encapsulating its target.
A high-performance Ball with a higher catch rate than a standard Poke Ball.
An ultra-performance Ball with a higher catch rate than a Great Ball.
Feed this to a Pokemon to make it easier to catch.
You can now find items at Gyms by spinning their Photo Discs.
You can assign your Pokemon to defend a Gym using the "Assign Pokemon" button at a friendly Gym. After your Pokemon is assigned, you'll see its motivation meter appear.
Pokemon lose motivation slowly over time and when they are defeated in battle. When a Pokemon with no motivation left is defeated, it will stop defending the Gym and return to its Trainer.
Treat Pokemon to Berries sto keep up their motivation and strength in battle!
AirDrop. AirDropで共有する場合は、タップしてWi-FiやBluetoothをオンにしてください。
Walk closer to interact with this Gym.
You can now find items at Gyms by spinning their Photo Discs.
You can assign your Pokemon to defend a Gym using the "Assign Pokemon" button at a friendly Gym. After your Pokemon is assigned, you'll see its motivation meter appear.
Pokemon lose motivation slowly over time and when they are defeated in battle. When a Pokemon with no motivation left is defeated, it will stop defending the Gym and return to its Trainer.
Treat Pokemon to Berries to keep up their motivation and strength in battle!
You can be discoverable in AirDrop to receive from everyone or only people in your contacts.
Mirror your iPhone on an Apple TV.
There are no raids nearbyl.
There are no raids nearby.
Bluetooth is off. Enable it in device settings.
Unwanted commercial content or spam
Pornography or sexually explicit material
Hate speech or graphic violence
This is harassing someone else
Unwanted commercial content or spam
Pornography or sexually explicit material
Hate speech or graphic violence
AirDrop. Tap to turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to share with AirDrop.
Based on your current location
lud20250118144320caこのスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/lifeline/1506014554/
ヒント:5chスレのurlに http://xxxx.5chb.net/xxxx のようにbを入れるだけでここでスレ保存、閲覧できます。
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