医療倫理学の分野で頻繁に引用される論文の著者であり、代表作に 「予防と児童虐待の間(Between Prophylaxis and Child Abuse)」 (『The American Journal of Bioethics』)や「胎児の痛み―― 胎児の痛みに関する混乱の終息に向けて(A Pain in the Fetus: Toward Ending Confusion about Fetal Pain)」(『Bioethics』)がある
2考える名無しさん2021/07/08(木) 18:04:18.890
3考える名無しさん2021/07/08(木) 18:06:54.470
ベネターの仕事はしばしば、現代哲学におけるニヒリズムやペシミズムの潮流に 関連付けられる。
ベネターの論文は次のような学術誌に掲載されている。『Ethics』、 『Journal of Applied Philosophy』、『Social Theory and Practice』、 『American Philosophical Quarterly』、『QJM: An International Journal of Medicine,』、『Journal of Law and Religion』、『British Medical Journal』。
ベネターの著書『第二のセクシズム――成人男子と男児に対する差別 (The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys)』 (2012年)は大きな論争を巻き起こした。ベネターは著書の中で批判を 予見していた。「アカデミズムで正統なものとして受け入れられている 信条と私が扱うテーマの微妙さを考えれば、本書で擁護する立場が 多くの人から脅かされることは避けられないだろう。私にははっきり分かる。 私の主張は、どれだけ明確に述べようと、誤解されることになるだろう」。
Scale of perspectives from which life can be judged to have or lack meaning, according to David Benatar in The Human Predicament
24考える名無しさん2021/07/11(日) 06:58:15.070
Sub specie aeternitatis (Latin for "under the aspect of eternity")[1] is, from Baruch Spinoza onwards, a honorific expression describing what is universally and eternally true, without any reference to or dependence upon the temporal portions of reality.
In clearer English, sub specie aeternitatis roughly means "from the perspective of the eternal". Even more loosely, the phrase is used to describe an alternative or objective point of view.
Sub specie aeternitatis は、スピノザの用語で永遠の相の下で、という意味。 ベネターはパースペクティブを宇宙のパースペクティブと、地上的・現世的なモノに 分けて考えている。同様に意味へのアクセスも一個人的なミニマムなモノから、 中間領域に入る共同体や種、そして、もっとも大きな射程を有する汎宇宙的な永遠性 という感じで、いくつかの意味の領域を設定している。
Never to have been born is best But if we must see the light, the next best Is quickly returning whence we came. When youth departs, with all its follies, Who does not stagger under evils? Who escapes them?
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.
Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
―WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5
51考える名無しさん2021/07/14(水) 00:27:26.350
The best in this kind are but shadows, and the worst is no worse, if imagination amend them.
I'm guessing that "truth" and "objectivity vs subjectivity" are useless concepts, and that we should think instead of "what's more likely", in a detached way. Maybe in this way, the notion of rule sounds some easy to accept. So, these are not hard rules, but more like heuristics.
61考える名無しさん2021/07/15(木) 23:18:48.640
Our revels now are ended. Those our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and … Yea, all which inherit, shall dissolve, And like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on; and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.
62考える名無しさん2021/07/15(木) 23:54:26.370
Virtue Being Sufficient for Happiness - You can lack virtue, and still be happy. You can enact virtue with destruction. But virtue can never be bad while happiness can. Therefore virtue is superior to happiness and is often exists independent of it. Happiness is sufficient for happiness.
63考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 00:12:14.600
I think that it is a wrong thing that talking suffers a loss if I talk seriously.
64考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 00:25:22.480
Based on the principle that all things are in flux and nothing is permanent, it is believed that lives are destined to die out eventually and transmigrate to another world (or the same world) regardless of the world to which they transmigrated.
The blossoms of the sal-tree proclaim that prosperity is subject to decline.
69考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 21:18:07.810
The space seems to resemble the flower of the lotus.
70考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 21:42:31.100
Just a poemer
71考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 22:15:19.320
The heart of the person who can find beauty will be beautiful.
72考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 22:24:49.040
The human being liking only irony and a sarcasm thinks that it is really worthless.
73考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 23:21:59.280
Just a poemer,too
74考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 23:32:23.970
If only the same thing can say, you do not need to say...
75考える名無しさん2021/07/16(金) 23:42:06.270
We have mathematical models of the world and those are the best known descriptions of an idealized version of the 'objective' world, but you should be willing to broaden your notions of 'objective' and other 'common sense' notions.
76考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:05:40.110
77考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:05:47.550
It's just an occult
78考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:09:52.170
Are you kidding me? I'm gonna kick your ass, motherfucker.
79考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:10:25.470
80考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:21:32.280
>>76 Are you so dumb that you can't even understand English?
81考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:31:00.210
Even if the stupid human being faces a wise human being, I cannot fall silent.
82考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:33:37.690
Anti-natalism is an ecologically sound modern ethic
83考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:46:07.860
Philosophy will also require us to reevaluate the meaning of human existence so far.
84考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:47:01.620
85考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:53:41.840
Because the title of the thread here says '【antinatalism】' in English, right?
86考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 00:54:15.530
"may you live an interesting life" is just about the heaviest curse some cultures can bestow on you. Interesting usually means long periods of strife and misery that you happen to survive...
87考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 01:05:26.680
It is often said that there is no meaning to life. I don't know if it's worth existing.
>>88 Are you so dumb that you can't even understand English?
90考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 01:11:15.050
Good vs. interesting. Replacing one vague term that everyone defines subjectively with another. "Interesting" can be anything that is not like the other things in its immidiate context. "one of these things is not like the others". Response: "hu, interesting". But go off, at least this way, people won't try to go for the most cardboard-cutout life. Maybe they fuck some shit up. Make some passionate choices.
91考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 01:23:58.240
If you don't base it on mathematics and logic, philosophy will be like a poem or an essay (just a subjective opinion).
92考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 01:35:04.390
>>88 Posting in English is a good thing because it keeps dumbs like you out.
93考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 01:52:07.720
Philosophical beliefs do not spring from cold rationality, but are tied to our psychological traits. As Iris Murdoch wrote, “To do philosophy is to explore one’s own temperament and yet at the same time to discover the truth.”
94考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 02:03:01.820
Emancipating ourselves from ideology means changing our social practices, not just changing our minds | Slavoj Žižek.
95考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 02:03:11.280
Know the weight of existence by that wailing voice
96考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 02:11:55.700
arrant narcissism
97考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 02:12:23.990
>>94 I get the impression that Slavoj Žižek is more of a rhetorical poet than a philosopher.
"Literature is seen as partial and feminine, whereas philosophy is objective and masculine. But it's time to put this ideological divide behind us" -Carrie Jenkins (UBC) on philosophy, literature, and gender norms.
115考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 10:05:13.740
To the person who it is always a born person that wants to enjoy life, and does not yet exist Naturally attention will be necessary for there being neither the desire nor the demand.
Like many others, at the time Jünger had an adventurous longing for a metaphysical war he wanted a war that had aesthetics to it however it did not take long for him to figure out that this was not the kind of war that he had read about as a child.
It was Jünger, standing not only in the trenches of history but on the shoulders of philosophical giants before him that struggled to fight in a war while at the same time understand what made the fighting such a dehumanizing phenomenon
After the humiliating defeat in 1918, Jünger turned to philosophy in order to explain just what had changed from knowing the young men eager to fight turn into a generation of veterans questioning just why and for what they fought.
145考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 11:05:02.240
This is his story.
146考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 11:17:55.360
To provide a deairing method of a curing composition for an optical material, in which a volatile matter contained in a compound having a reactive functional group is removed to thereby control poor molding by a void, a crack or the like.
147考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 11:33:29.190
It' s well known that the human brain has plasticity
148考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 11:37:16.010
>>114 In order for philosophy not to be a mere statement of subjectivity or an essay, a foundation in mathematics, science, and logic seems necessary.
149考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 11:41:14.180
I think David Benatar also had a problem with people who can't express themselves in anti-natalism. People with severe disabilities, people with dementia, etc.
All lives contain some bad. Coming into existence with such a life is always a harm. Many people will find this deeply unsettling claim to be counter-intuitive and will wish to dismiss it. For this reason, I propose not only to defend the claim, but also to suggest why people might be resistant to it.
152考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 12:14:42.340
As a matter of fact, bad things happen to all of us. No life is without hardship. It is easy to think of the millions who live a life of poverty or of those who live much of their lives with some disability.
Some of us are lucky enough to be spared these fates,] but most of us who are, nonetheless suffer ill-health at some stage during our lives. Often the suffering is excruciating, even if it is in our final days. Some are condemned by nature to years of frailty. We all face death.
153考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 12:16:49.600
We infrequently contemplate the harms that await any new-born child-pain, disappointment, anxiety, grief, and death. For any given child we cannot predict what form these harms will take or how severe they will be, but we can be sure that at least some of them will occur.
None of this befalls the non-existent. existent. Only existers suffer harm.
154考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 12:17:48.610
Optimists will be quick to note that I have not told the whole story. Not only bad things but also good things happen only to those who exist. Pleasure, joy, and satisfaction can only be had by existers. Thus the cheerful will say, we must weigh up the pleasures of life against the evils.
As long as the former outweigh the latter, the life is worth living. Coming into being with such a life is, on this view, a benefit.
155考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 12:42:05.370
I find it weird how your takeaway from the experiment is that the rats cared more about population maximization than well-being, when what the experiment showed was that the maximization of the population led to a decrease in well being and the rats therefore culled their own population. My takeaway is that rats a kinda dumb, and think mating is a pleasurable act. They will mate until a point where their population is so high that it gives them severe displeasure and they will therefore stop the population trend to ensure their own well being. Also I don’t think humans are much different. If contraception wasn’t readily available we would have a lot more kids.
156考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 13:04:00.850
From the perspective of the global environment and finances, I'd say that population reduction will be increasingly necessary in the future.
>>155 That rat breeding experiment is interesting. Maybe it's the same with monkeys. There is a concept called environmental carrying capacity.
157考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 13:44:28.190
In fact, I think that people have been underestimating the benefits of not being born or not existing in the first place.
As David Benatar says, most people don't usually think too deeply about such a state, a state in which they don't exist in the first place.
158考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 14:30:19.100
The goal of population reduction is to prevent future generations from suffering from misery. This is a very positive way of thinking. It's a different kind of thinking from annihilationism.
159考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 14:47:32.290
The carrying capacity of an environment is the maximum population size of a biological species that can be sustained by that specific environment, given the food, habitat, water, and other resources available.
The carrying capacity is defined as the environment's maximal load, which in population ecology corresponds to the population equilibrium, when the number of deaths in a population equals the number of births (as well as immigration and emigration). The effect of carrying capacity on population dynamics is modelled with a logistic function.
160考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 14:48:16.760
Carrying capacity is applied to the maximum population an environment can support in ecology, agriculture and fisheries. The term carrying capacity has been applied to a few different processes in the past before finally being applied to population limits in the 1950s.
The notion of carrying capacity for humans is covered by the notion of sustainable population.
Neo-Malthusians and eugenicists popularised the use of the words to describe the number of people the Earth can support in the 1950s
161考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 14:51:53.220
Hadwen and Palmer (1922) defined carrying capacity as the density of stock that could be grazed for a definite period without damage to the range
162考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 15:01:11.130
The difference between the birth rate and the death rate is the natural increase. If the population of a given organism is below the carrying capacity of a given environment, this environment could support a positive natural increase; should it find itself above that threshold the population typically decreases.
Thus, the carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a species that an environment can support.
Population size decreases above carrying capacity due to a range of factors depending on the species concerned, but can include insufficient space, food supply, or sunlight. The carrying capacity of an environment may vary for different species
163考える名無しさん2021/07/17(土) 15:09:50.160
Reaching carrying capacity through a logistic growth curve
To regard birth as self-evident, as we have been doing, feels like stopping to think.
174考える名無しさん2021/07/18(日) 15:35:50.140
Whereas it is strange (if not incoherent) to give as a reason for having a child that the child one has will thereby be benefited, it is not strange to cite a potential child's interests as a basis for avoiding bringing a child into existence.
If having children dren were done for the purpose of thereby benefiting those children, then there would be greater moral reason for at least many people to have more children.
In contrast to this, our concern for the welfare of potential children who would suffer is a sound basis for deciding not to have the child.
175考える名無しさん2021/07/19(月) 00:31:33.740
176考える名無しさん2021/07/19(月) 12:53:18.700
It is often noted that if predators did not consume their prey, the prey animal population would outstrip their environment’s capacity to feed them and they would die slower deaths. However, an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent deity could surely have found a less violent, suffering-laden solution to this problem. One possibility would be sterility when a population grows too large.
It is not uncommon for theists to treat life’s meaninglessness as a reductio ad absurdum of atheism. According to such arguments, denial of God’s existence has such horrific implications that such denial must be mistaken.
It is not at all clear that atheism has all the implications that are attributed to it, but those advancing the argument fail to take seriously the possibility that any genuine implications of atheism that are unpalatable may indeed be true.
179考える名無しさん2021/07/19(月) 13:52:13.940
It is much more likely, given the evidence, that our lives lack cosmic meaning than that God exists. Theism might provide comfort, but its existential anesthesia comes at a veritable cost. It is not only theists who seek relief from anxiety about cosmic meaninglessness. There are many secular arguments that are intended to provide or have the effect of providing such relief.
By secular arguments, I do not mean only those that actively deny the claims of religion, but more generally those that do not presuppose religious claims.
I say that this is not true of all of us, because many people―by some estimates, half of all people―were not intentionally created. Instead, they were the unintentional byproducts of sexual intercourse.
187考える名無しさん2021/07/20(火) 15:22:18.930
Meyers' rare genetic disorder
Meyers suffers from Usher syndrome, a genetic disorder that left her deaf at birth. The disorder has also progressively eroded her eyesight. Her vision isn't completely gone, but it's been recently downgraded from the least-impaired Paralympic classification of S13 to the middle class of S12, the Post reports.
Paralympians designated as S11 are completely blind or close to it. According to the Post she's the only one of 34 swimmers on the U.S. Paralympic teams who is both deaf and blind.
188考える名無しさん2021/07/20(火) 15:23:48.600
Deaf-blind Paralympian quits Team USA when told she can't bring assistant to Tokyo
COVID-19 restrictions blamed for decision
The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee told Becca's father Mark Meyers in a June email that organizers and the Japanese government prohibited her from bringing a PCA(personal care assistant ) because of COVID-19 regulations strictly limiting who is and isn't allowed to travel to Tokyo as a member of an Olympic delegation.
189考える名無しさん2021/07/20(火) 15:40:33.480
Likely end to a celebrated career
Meyers' decision likely means that her Paralympic career is over after competing as one of the sports' most celebrated and decorated athletes from the London and Rio Games.
“This is the Paralympics," Becca Meyers told the Post. "We should be celebrating everyone’s disabilities. We’ve broken barriers in society, defying all odds. And yet this is how we’re treated? Like a burden on the team?”
190考える名無しさん2021/07/20(火) 19:43:05.980
まぎか ベネター まぎか
191考える名無しさん2021/07/20(火) 23:17:32.330
欧米のメディアは日本と比べて差別に敏感 毎日のように差別に関する話題が出てくる
192考える名無しさん2021/07/21(水) 17:29:49.830
If that is what is meant, then we can say that moral agents, wherever they might be in the cosmos, should desist from actions that would wrongfully harm us, and that they should do so because we have (moral) value. It would not matter if they could not see us, just as it does not matter that we cannot see remote people on earth whom we might wrongfully harm by performing some action.
In this sense, our value could be significant in some distant corner of the universe, just as it is significant in some distant corner of our globe. Our value can extend a moral claim to a moral agent anywhere in the cosmos (if there are any such agents elsewhere in the cosmos).
Writing of his experiences during the Holocaust, he argued that meaning was crucial to survival. In his view, there “is nothing in the world … that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is meaning in one’s life.”
He says that “Nietzsche’s words ‘He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how’ could be the guiding motto for all psychotherapeutic and psychohygienic efforts regarding prisoners.”
202考える名無しさん2021/07/27(火) 22:53:41.140
While the conditions of concentration camp inmates were extreme, he affirms the more general point that “the striving to find a meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man.”
Life is meaningless, but it also has meaning―or, more accurately, meanings. There is no such thing as the meaning of life. Many different meanings are possible. One can transcend the self and make a positive mark on the lives of others in myriad ways.
These include nurturing and teaching the young, caring for the sick, bringing relief to the suffering, improving society, creating great art or literature, and advancing knowledge.
Perhaps it will be suggested that these pains are byproducts of the instrumental value of pain in other contexts. If that is true, then our lives would be better if pain were present only when it had instrumental value (that is, if there were no spillover into cases where pain has no instrumental value).
286考える名無しさん2021/08/16(月) 10:30:17.850
In the case of the reflex arc, pain typically accompanies reflexive aversive behavior, but the pain plays no mediating role.
In both, coming into existence (Scenario A) is worse than never coming ing into existence (Scenario B). Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence