◎正当な理由による書き込みの削除について: 生島英之 とみられる方へ:Japan has no future. Let's think seriously about how we should live from now on. [581963685]YouTube動画>1本 ->画像>2枚
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Shinzo Abe
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It's over Japan🗾
this country will perish.
確かに日本人は太った人は少ないかもしれません あと日本人はいつでも真剣に生きています
Shiuinden SeiyoShoujouShinju Daikoji...
>>11 Are you heterosexual now?
Нам надо думать о революции.
From now on♪ From now on♪ From now on♪
私はそのアイデアに同意します。 日本の市民の大半が近代的社会を構築するの意志を持たないならば、この運命は変わらず来るでしょう。
It's better to burn out than to fade away…
Absolutlely right
>>1 japanese peoople that many poverty and Single
It's over on a pretty serious level
We had better join a company at another country. Me? Yes I did. Don't worry about your English, you'll get used to it gradually. If you don't know what you say, you can say WHF!?, oh shit!, right, got it, these are enough.
Thank you for making an English thread on Kenmo board.
I being Kenmo person I can't find a woman when Even though I strongly want a lover
If you can't write English sentences, you are allowed to use Deepl or something.
>>3 DeepL is totally shit
That was just a reference for language study
Do not rely on it
>>33 DeepL is totally shit
That was just a reference for language study
Do not rely on it
Did you watch today's Lycoris recoil?
Maybe we had better get out of Japan.There is no reason to die in the sinking ship with full of idiots who support LDP.
I'd like to emigrate some country I could live comfortable till the end.
>>41 It looked like an Abe shinzo
>>46 英語はリズムで覚えるってネイティブがゆってた
were not stand for japan but for you and me
All comes down to Abe Shinzo
Our ship may sink, but we have no idea. be smile!
>>37 I agree with you, but I want those to participate in here who are not good at writing English.
I dunno but, as far as I see We need secret society look around people who is furious are normally in some kind of religion or organization 出る杭は打たれるthing is deeply in our culture on all directions so, We gotta keep it secret. Wanna go?
>>54 We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.
>>55 Ah your sweet
I love you
bukod pwede suman sa gata kaya
>>1 Why? Japan is one of the most advanced country in this field.
>>39 No,I didn't.
It is dog shit.
Yo all fucks didn’t learn if da government don kept the constitution, We stand up with guns’n rifles in da high school class of US history ???
>>61 dont laugh
why you are laughing
Be a man like Yamagami!!!
>>40 Exactly, Shinzo destroyed Japan's big heritage which is accommodate accumulated over a long time by the striving Japanese people.
>>68 "accommodate" is a typo, sorry.
You've chosen Liberal democratic party. That's the way it is
The fucking gov trynna force younger to drink more is purely fucked up conspiracy between 電通 and 国税 Shitz fucked
We didn’t choose LDP Voting is violating constitution tho, they ignored.
the building! now the building!
cuz they need slaves without their will. drink drink happy wow! you loser! I win lool lmao lmfao! this is what they need.
Yes, let's move to The Mother Moon country.
なんか昼飲みまで推奨してるからな 国民を白痴にしようと必死だわな
Basically we live under party chosen by voting system which is rigged.
>>66 I recalled Shut up Ueda.
Self-help we Japanese should do. For example,sugar-dad,paid party participating, concept cafe cast,sexy cabarey cast,girls bar,FC2 Stacks,FX,REIT,Youtuber!
>>76 Remember LA’91
Never forgive 두순자
mou owaridayo Kono nation
OG of LDP didn’t picture this fucking ultra right era for real brah
Already finished this cats country
At this point White people even recognize alcoholism as pretty serious fucking habit This is not acceptable
ここにいる相手に伝えることより自分がどれだけネイティヴっぽい表現が使えるかを重視して書き込む奴が多いのが英語スレの駄目なとこ ケンモメンの英語力なんか大したことないんだから普通に日本の大学受験レベルの英語を使えばいいのに
>>89 You sad fucking piece of shit
Fucking JAP🤣🤣🤣
>>64 Such a thought is regarded as a rebel or terrorist mentality in Japan. We don't have the right to do that.
Majority of citizens haven’t even read the constitution If the citizens can’t respect the constitution Problem is before the politics Article 9 doesn’t even matter.
>>89 Hey Are you even aware of it?
You are exactly the typical Japanese
Let them do what they want
Respect individual wishes and you should stop the habit of denial
dead kid knife re you wow can got yell not dead what not cool !!!!
This guy breaks down regime of Abe pretty well
VIDEO >>89 Idk Native-like English. I just want to say what I come up with.
We are controlled by the Deep State...
Destroy the LDP of Japan.
I talk to my bois back in west in EN Tho this is fucking weird lol
But, it’s good this is good opportunity to let other 5ch mofo to let know Kenmo really is strong hold of 3rd culture grown ups. We just playn dumb
>>103 I am asshole.
Let's have a fun.
Japan is over uh..uhh..uh... Genki de ite ne Japan is over
>>94 The constitution is the basis of the National identity and determines concepts of how the country is governed by authority. We should defend the constitution from Abe association.
Me imagino que ahora debemos aprender la tercera idioma. Kenmo-niños, vamos a hablar español!
>>99 I know this is called a conspiracy theory.
>>113 I think so, Many Spanish speaking women are dynamite sexy so we should definitely learn it
>>105 No pooing in or out
We dont have protcol for saving our Future
>>95 It seems you are translating sentences you thought of in Japanese directly into English. I think that's good way to let someone know your thoughts.
I think so. But Japanese doesn't change. So Japan will go to ruin, I think.
>>104 What is the 3rd culture?
Recently I love Korean groups such as seventeen,ENHYPEN. I'd like to make love with not only Japanese make up guys as IKEBUKURO BLACKHOLE but also Korean sexy idols. I wanna be a licking dog for them.
sing a song... do shite...
>>111 Our worst enemy is Japan Conference.
>>120 People who grew up in outside authority of Japanese government ideology.
People who was educated in foreign nation mostly.
Japan has struggled with lower birth of children for a long time which caused decreasing GDP and weaken Japan's economy and can't keep the infrastructure functioning.
this is our grave we die here
>>124 But I think they are few in Japan, so they don't possess the power to change people's thoughts.
>>125 Japanese salarymen are struggling in their work place,dogged by restructuring and salary cuts.
And they face domestic crices as well,as women rethink their relationships
with their hideboud husbands.
Reading this trend are cupples married for 20 years or longer.
Why Korea had been able to catch up with Japan. The answer is their great personality and perseverance for working.
I ever denied but now I am sure, there is a night that never ends
Reading→Leading Self-help we Japanese have to do just like getting money from sugardaddy or FC2
You honestly should'nt be writing here in only one sentence in English about what's going on in Japan. The post is so abstract that several paragraphs of explanation would normally follow it. We would know that is a cliché in Kenmo, so we don't need special knowledge about it. But it's even more important to share the premise if English-speaking people are going to read it.
Everyone says "go outside of Japan" but the question is where we can go. Not a single nation accepts immigrants that easily.
>>113 Ne mogu ponimaty ispanskii yazyk, tovarish
>>113 No ya mogl ponimaty chto “davaytye govority ispanskii yazyk”
LDP is a herd of pot-alt-right people, and act like a Pol Pot
>>113 もうスペイン語忘れたよ
>>144 True
I can’t understand” debemos” and “apprender”
>>145 Debemos = we should
Aprender = learn
Now you started to learn Spanish 👍
>>146 明白了,谢谢同志
Мне нравятся песня Venderemos
We're done for 😫 We're done for 😫
living in japan is like living in north korea! i am going to leave japan for happy life!
For God so loved the world that he gave Yamagami, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life
>>140 depend on your skill
improve your skill, you will be accepted easily!
>>146 Are you living in Mexico?
Viva la Mexico! Hijo de puta!
It’s going to be exactly like the world of AKIRA. This joke of a country The feudal Japland will become a garbage heap and perish.
>>153 I know.
Good luck if you're young enough for that. I believe I have missed the bus
that is never going to arrive again.
Yee-haw! Water. Master Mohawk Kenmo will take it.
go abroad, this is the way.
>>154 Sí estoy aquí en mexico!
Chinga tu madre pendejo!!!
Sometimes you win Sometimes you lose It doesn't matter You make mistakes but for a reason There's a chance to be won God bless you for being yourself Sometimes life is so beautiful yeah
I thought I couldn't read this thread for English but I don't read all threads in Japanese recently so it's OK
>>66 let’s practice “don’t laugh english” with “shut up”, Udeda.
The solution is simple. We must introduce neo-liberalism and tough competision like US, or a meritocratic society like Germany.
>>167 The most pressing one is to implement an anti-cult law as in France.
Everything else can be done afterwards.
Let's get up with gun like Yamagami.
>>168 Wasn't the theme of this thread about the economy?
I am not against introducing anti-cult laws, but you have to understand that France is a very right-wing state, which is why they were able to introduce that law. The same logic applies to regulating the burqa.
>>140 We should immigrate to South Korea where people are very similar to us in terms of language, personality, culture, and almost all aspects. I've already started to learn Korean, someday it will be useful and helpful in my life.
>>89 同意、英語拙いジジイが若者しか使わないスラング使ってるの見るとほんと鳥肌立つわ
kodo-oji must suicide by jihad for go to the fortune world.
>>173 Go ahead we’ll be here.
Never come back here or Japan please
Thank you.
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