ジェニファー・ロペスと夫マーク・アンソニーに男の子と女の子の双子の赤ちゃんが誕生した。 ピープル誌によると赤ちゃんたちはニューヨークで生まれ、女の子は午前12時12分、 男の子は12時23分に誕生したという。 (英語ソース) The babies were born early Friday in Long Island, N.Y. The girl was born at 12:12 a.m. and weighed 5 lbs. 7 oz., and the boy followed at 12:23 a.m., weighing 6 lbs.
J.Lo長女 2008/02/22 0:12 Long Island, N.Y.(現地時間) J.Lo長男 2008/2/22 0:23 Long Island, N.Y.(現地時間)
>>228 A number of speculative birth times have been posted on the internet, but the one that seems most credible is 1:06 pm. This time was relayed by astrologer Frances McEvoy to astrology newsgroups, and supposedly originated from Obama's own memory when he was asked what time he was born during his New Hampshire visit. The indirect, unnamed sources mean that this data must be rated DD (for "dirty data") until confirmed by his birth certificate. However, the birth time sets the chart's angles, and from this, the astrologer can test it against the record. This process, known as rectification, relies on accurate angles, since major life events generally involve the Midheaven and Ascendant. http://www.neptunecafe.com/Obama08.html